Patreon Launched Today!
Please email to sign up: . Looking forward to seeing you all there!
It’s a week today! We are so excited to be launching this with all of the support that you have shown. There are multiple tiers to choose from and experienced to bring you the closest to live that we can! Release date May 22nd 2020!
During lockdown at 5pm n London’s W14 we have been giving socially distanced concerts! Every day like clockwork people come to hear live music and I perform everything from Bowie to Rachmaninov as well as having guest artists that perform on the street!
I am considering setting up a Patreon profile so that I can offer you live Q&A’s, practice tips, unreleased footage and make you a part of my daily content. Please do let me know if this is something that you would be interested in! I hope that you are all staying well and safe.
At 5pm every day I have been giving nightly concerts in London where people can gather in a socially distanced way and hear music outside. I have been playing everything from Bowie to Bach! If you live in West London and fancy coming to the corner of Challoner and Charleville you are most welcome!
Paul Cavalconte and I had a party last week so we thought that we’d send you an invite WFUV Public Radio
Have a quarantini with Paul Cavalconte tonight at 9pm Eastern (6pm Pacific and 2am GMT for those that are sleeping weird isolation hours) on WFUV Public Radio
A really fun review. Thanks Gapplegate!